
Welcome to this year's blog for the Kerang Rotary Club Schoolies Alternative Program to Cambodia.  This is our 11th year and now sees more than 350 students and leaders having participated.

This year's team is somewhat smaller than last year, with 15 students and 5 leaders.
Our aims this year?
To provide housing to 10 families in a village outside of Phnom Penh...
To support one of our long term partners in undertaking maintenance on their girl's education program - painting and other minor maintenance tasks....
To experience a different culture.....
To learn about the recent history of Cambodia and the impact it has had on the people.....
To have fun, whilst helping others with the expectation of receiving nothing in return!!

We know the students will never look at things in quite the same way when they return.  We hope they gain a deeper understanding of why Australia is called the 'lucky country' and a new appreciation of what they have.

Along the way, they will meet new people, try new food and learn about international travel.

These students have fundraised for the money to support their projects on the ground.  They have worked hard for the past 7 months to make this trip a reality.  We are already proud of what they have achieved and we hope they have the experience of a lifetime over the coming 2 weeks.

Enjoy reading of their journey and feel free to comment on their achievements.

Happy reading!!


  1. Up bright and early. Ready to roll. Look out Cambodia here we come.

    1. Not 9 as the time states above, but 4:15 Aussie Time.


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